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Should business cards be glossy or matte? – Logodesign

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Business cards are a tangible representation of your brand or business. Giving out one of your business cards while making new contacts makes you look professional and legitimate. So getting your business cards designed by Logo Design professionals is highly essential for your business.

When designing business cards, you want a remarkable design, colourful and informative card, and one which stands out in the competition. But, you also have to take into account the finish and texture of the card; this is where you are going to choose between a gloss and a matte finish.

Gloss Finish Business Cards

Glossy finish business cards are shiny and smooth in finish.


Glossy business cards are considered to be of better quality and more shielding than matte ones. The durability of gloss cards is definitely a pro when it comes to the glossy finish vs. matte finish business cards. Moreover, glossy business cards are great if you want to make the colours pop in your card design. If you are planning to include a photo, logo or professional headshot on your business cards, designers would recommend selecting a glossy finish for best results. This will make them look lively and highlight good contrast.


One of the biggest disadvantages of gloss finish cards is that the text can be more difficult to read on, it’s because of their shiny and reflective finish. It’s common and necessary to include text like your job title, email address, and contact number on a business card. Compared to Gloss finish, matte finish business cards often have better legibility when it comes to communicating textual information. One more disadvantage of glossy finish business cards is that sometimes they can appear a bit tacky and less clean. If you have selected the glossy finish for your business card, make sure you work closely with your printing company to ensure a quality result.

Matte Finish Business Cards

Matte business cards may appear like standard card stock, but they are generally aesthetically pleasing due to their clean, modern look.


The matte finish on the business card gives a smooth, clean look and works well with designs and colour schemes that are strictly professional. Moreover, having a matte finish removes glare and will generally appear cleaner since fingerprints won’t be visible after someone touches it. If you think of writing anything on your cards when you give them out, a matte finish will provide a better surface for that purpose.


One of the biggest disadvantages of Matte finish business cards is that they are typically less durable than glossy ones. Another thing, these matte cards are more vulnerable to fading and peeling edges, when you have them shuffling around in a laptop bag or stored away in a wallet. Looking at the budget side, matte finish cards are generally more costly than glossy finish cards. If you have selected the aesthetic of matte finish business cards and don’t mind paying a premium for the quality, then these are your best choice.

Summing up

No matter what your industry type is, there is a spectrum of options in choosing business card design and finishes when getting them designed and printed out. Logo Design can connect you with both gloss and matte finish printing service providers for your new business cards. Depending on the industry, the finish and detail work, and the budget, the choice will vary for each business owner. Whatever material you choose, make sure your design isn’t overpowering and making your business cards look unprofessional. In the end, the choice is up to you since business cards should always represent your true self.

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